Tuesday, April 22, 2014



Have you ever wondered why something is called art? We all see examples of poorly executed art or just art we dislike, but it might still be art. The reason: art is categorized such as any work in visual, musical, communication, creative writing, or performance, whether or not done well. You may have heard statements by museum visitors such as, “They call that art?” Their voices audibly apply extra question marks and exclamation points.
      A good definition for a broad perspective of art: anything that is done well, such as exceptionally good food, fashion design, speaking, comedy, and so forth. The category can be extended almost ad infinitum. It is an opening for expressions of excellence in many venues.
      So, what does it mean to be “done well”? Of course, opinions of those without visual art training will most likely judge a piece of visual art subjectively, according to their preferences. Good art principles and design can be understood intuitively, but my observation is that most without training judge a painting, sculpture, or whatever on subject matter. Sentiment is considered more important than understanding why the quality is either good or bad and allows them to hang something inferior on the wall, but still think it is worth it. Sentiment is important and definitely has its perks, but if the execution of the art is poor or mediocre, then after a while, it becomes merely a decoration, losing its attraction and simply filling space.
      I seldom browse a Christian bookstore’s gift section. Some reproductions are done well, but most I would call mediocre. Sentiment is the only reason for purchasing. It is “expected” art with expected subject matter to be displayed as a sign of a believer occupying the house. I would call much of it “dust-catchers” that have lost their impact through over-reproduction.
      The broadest definition of art would be anything done well in any category, i.e. the art of cooking, the art of communication, and such. The art of good visual art would include adherence to the major principles of harmony in good composition, tone, value, line variation, and more, even to some examples that “break the rules.”

      Now, what would you say art is? I look forward to your comments.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Books and Painting

Hi Friends -

I have received my books (Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? A Creative Look at Life's Main Issues ©) and am ready for the book signing event at the Lakehills Library on May 3. Very exciting. Have placed a synopsis and a "Look Inside" on my web site, designed a new business card with my information about Spears Art Studio, Inc. with the new Shields & Spears Publications info, and redesigned my 1/4 page ad with the new info added to the old. Quite a busy time!

I have really enjoyed this experience of writing - as much as I love painting and drawing. When the marketing part of my responsibility to the publisher is functioning smoothly, then I will definitely get back to my studio with gusto. Good thing oil paints keep over time.

We have lost our lake here due to drought and San Antonio's use, so if I want to paint a lake scene, I must use my photos and/or imagination and memory. After such a time lapse between painting sessions, I am able to see my last efforts in a more critical light. I have a tendency to consider my artworks too precious, and don't see flaws right away. Backing off, or even hiding my artworks out of view has proved valuable in a few instances. I have to remember that masterpieces are more rare than simply good compositions and colors.

The painting urge is rising!!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My examination copy of my new book, Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? A Creative Look at Life's Main Issues© looks great! Left a message with the publisher to go ahead with the printing. A book signing event has been scheduled at the Lakehills Area Library, May 3. I'm so excited!