Saturday, March 29, 2014

New Publication!

Hi -

I'm new to blogging, so if this first post looks strange, please let me know. Thanks.

Next week I'm receiving a hard copy of my new book for examination: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? A Creative Look at Life's Main Issues©. If there are no printing errors, it will go into production in earnest. The book will be available first on line in soft cover, hard cover, and e-book at,,, and other online venues. It will be available at brick and mortar bookstores an unknown amount of time later.

I'm quite excited about this. In the past (and currently) I've self-published Christian art curriculum on demand. This is a new experience for me dealing with a publisher that will do the printing and marketing.

My book, Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? A Creative Look at Life's Main Issues©  is a thought-provoking-answer-giving new publication for youth through adults, It suggests answers to some prevailing life questions such as Why Am I Here? What is truth? Can I control events in my life? The errors we encounter in our culture are non-Biblical, misleading, or superficial and leave us dissatisfied.

      Many issues addressed include our Source, our origin, rejection, pride, victory, unpreparedness, how the animal world mimics human behavior, and current social issues. Original proverbs, parables, short stories, poetry, commentaries, illustrations, and more, make reading a pleasurable experience and the Christian content understandable, palatable and thought provoking. The book offers some deep, substantial answers that call our attention to truths and wisdom to relate life experiences and desires to serious ideas in an entertaining and memorable format. You will be guided into deeper critical and logical thinking processes than most of us are regularly confronted with in daily life.
      As a seasoned educator, I encourage all to think logically and to question everything. We do not check our brains at the door when we enter the Door of Life. My sincere hope and prayer is that Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? A Creative look at Life’s Main Issues © will inspire you to think on a deeper level about eternal issues than ever before and that you will truly enjoy this experience. 

      A peek at the contents is on:

      If you like what you see, I would appreciate your recommending it to your contacts. Thank you.
